5 Mind-Blowing Technologies Right Around the Corner

5 Mind-Blowing Technologies Right Around the Corner

5 Mind-Blowing Technologies Right Around the Corner ,The future is coming on fast and exciting
times are approaching. In particular, technology is about to change the world like never before.5 Mind-Blowing Technologies Right Around the Corner
In this video, we’ll take a look at five mind-blowing technologies right around the

5 Mind-Blowing Technologies Right Around the Corner

Number 5, Water Bubbles Water bubbles could replace plastic bottles
as we know them today.
The first water bubbles were created in the year 2013. Now, this invention is about to become a reality. The idea is to create a solution that will
help to save the world from the dangers of plastic pollution.
Water bubbles are bubbles that encircle drinking water inside an edible membrane which is made
from a natural seaweed extract.
You can either eat the membrane or, if you throw it away, it will biodegrade within four
to six weeks.

5 Mind-Blowing Technologies Right Around the Corner
5 Mind-Blowing Technologies Right Around the Corner

To make things more interesting, the membranes can be given a flavor and color to make them
more appealing.
They can also be used for holding other liquids, like soda or tea.
And not only are water bubbles more eco-friendly than plastic bottles, they can be produced at a lower cost.
Number 4, AI Professionals
Artificial Intelligence is popping up everywhere these days.
From self-driving cars, to home voice assistants, to self-tagging photo galleries, AI is becoming
an increasing part of our everyday lives.
But perhaps one of the most fascinating uses for this technology comes in the form of AI
professionals – computers meant to do the job of highly-educated humans.
This technology uses a concept known as deep learning, which uses examples to understand
complicated forms of data.
Deep learning allows computers to perceive the world through sight and sound as well
as text.
This allows computers to solve complex problems through the use of artificial intelligence.
For example, in 2016, law firm Baker & Hostetler hired an AI lawyer named Ross, developed by
IBM, and other law firms soon followed suit.
The Human Diagnosis Project, also known as Human Dx, is creating an AI doctor which will
be able to give accurate diagnoses based on a patient’s symptoms.
And at Tufts University, in Massachusetts, researchers have developed an AI scientist.
This AI scientist independently created its own scientific theory, solving a 100-year-old
biological mystery when it successfully determined how sliced-up flatworms regenerate into new
Number 3, Space Balloons The first balloons were launched about one
hundred years before the Wright Brothers made their famous flight.
In the beginning, they only traveled to a height of about 3000 meters.
Now, two companies are aiming to launch balloons to the very edge of space.
These space balloons could provide a much cheaper way to transport satellites to space
than using rockets.
If they can be proven to be safe, they would also enable space tourism.
Zero2infinity, a Spanish company, plans to fly passengers to near space at a cost of
124,000 dollars per ride.
World View, an American company, says they will offer rides at a “bargain” 75,000
dollars a pop.
These prices are obviously out of reach for the average consumer, but should decrease
dramatically over time.
World View says they plan to launch six tourists and two crew at a time.
The eight passengers would ride in a capsule suspended underneath a huge helium-filled
It would take about 2 hours to reach max altitude and then coast at the edge of space for another 2 hours before beginning its descent.
Passengers would be able to see out viewports on either side of the capsule.
So how soon can we expect to see this technology in action?
Well, World View just completed their first test launch in October 2017 and plans to offer
their first commercial flights in 2018.
Number 2, Hyperloops
Hyperloops could become the transport method of tomorrow.
Hyperloop refers to a transportation system in which pods or containers travel at very
high speeds through vacuum tubes.
Using magnetic levitation technology, the pods would float in the same way pucks travel
across an air hockey table.
Since there is barely any friction, the pods are able to travel at mind-boggling speeds.
The idea behind Hyperloop is not new, and, in fact, the first “vactrain” – short
for “vacuum tube train” was proposed over a century ago.
The latest idea was proposed by Elon Musk, the brain behind PayPal, Tesla, and Space
X, who unveiled this technology as the “fifth mode of transport” back in 2012.
There are several companies currently working on this technology, including Hyperloop One, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, and
TransPod. In October 2017, Richard Branson made a significant
investment in Hyperloop One and the company
was renamed Virgin Hyperloop One.
The company plans to begin construction on
their first hyperloop in 2019.
Number 1, Invisibility Cloaks
The University of California along with the
US Department of Energy has put a lot of effort
into creating invisible fabric.
And it looks like all their hard work is about
to pay off.
Researchers have successfully developed a
cloak that is capable of bending light.
This marks the first time that a 3D object
can be completely obscured from sight, regardless
of its shape.
The cloak that has been invented is ultra-thin,
and looks no different from a regular coat.
At first, it was only able to hide microscopic
objects, but it is now capable of obscuring
macroscopic objects as well.
The cloak contains a collection of gold nano-antennas
that, along with several tiny mirrors, end
up mimicking a single flat mirror.
So, regardless of the angle it is viewed from,
it will still be hidden from sight.
The cloak comes with a switch that can turn
it on or off.
When switched on, the cloak conceals the object
within from light and when switched off, it
will seemingly reappear and become visible.
This has been “Five Mind-Blowing Technologies
Right Around the Corner.”
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